How to Properly Care for Sub Zero Dry Ice:

Walk-in Cooler

Sub Zero Dry Ice is a versatile and effective cooling solution widely used across various industries, from food preservation and medical transport to industrial cleaning. However, it requires careful handling and proper storage to ensure safety and efficiency. Dry ice is extremely cold, with a temperature of -109.3°F (-78.5°C), and mishandling it can lead to injuries or wasted product.

In this article, we’ll cover the best practices for caring for Sub Zero Dry Ice, including storage tips, safety precautions, and handling recommendations.

1. Proper Storage: Keeping Dry Ice for Maximum Efficiency

To get the best performance from Sub Zero Dry Ice, it’s crucial to store it correctly. Unlike regular ice, dry ice doesn’t melt into water but sublimates, turning directly into carbon dioxide gas. This process speeds up when dry ice is exposed to warmer temperatures, so proper storage is key to extending its usability.

Storage Tips:

  • Use an Insulated Cooler: The best way to store dry ice is in an insulated cooler. A regular freezer or refrigerator won’t work because the dry ice is too cold and may damage these appliances.
  • Avoid Airtight Containers: Dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas, and storing it in a completely sealed container can lead to pressure build-up, which may cause the container to burst.
  • Keep It in a Well-Ventilated Area: As dry ice turns into gas, it displaces oxygen, which could lead to suffocation if kept in a small, enclosed space. Store dry ice in an area with proper ventilation.
  • Minimize Exposure to Air: The more air that comes into contact with dry ice, the faster it will sublimate. Try to reduce the frequency of opening the storage container to prolong its lifespan.

Pro Tip:

For long-term storage, keep your Sub Zero Dry Ice wrapped in heavy insulation material like towels or blankets, and place it inside a styrofoam cooler.

2. Safe Handling: Preventing Accidents and Injuries

Handling dry ice improperly can result in injuries like frostbite or respiratory issues. Following strict safety measures when using Sub Zero Dry Ice ensures you can use it effectively without risk.

Safety Precautions:

  • Always Wear Protective Gloves: Dry ice is so cold that direct skin contact can cause severe frostbite within seconds. Use insulated gloves designed for handling extreme cold temperatures.
  • Use Eye Protection: In case of accidental dry ice blasting or breaking, tiny particles may fly off. Protect your eyes with goggles to prevent injury.
  • Avoid Inhalation of CO₂ Gas: The sublimation of dry ice releases carbon dioxide gas, which can displace oxygen in poorly ventilated spaces. Make sure the storage or usage area is well-ventilated to avoid asphyxiation.
  • Use Tongs or Tools for Handling: Instead of picking up dry ice with your hands, use tongs or a dedicated tool to move or break it apart.

Pro Tip:

Never eat or ingest dry ice, and keep it away from children and pets. It is hazardous if swallowed and can cause internal burns or suffocation.

3. Managing Sublimation: Reducing Dry Ice Waste

Dry ice sublimates, meaning it transitions directly from solid to gas. To make the most of your Sub Zero Dry Ice, minimizing sublimation is essential, especially if you’re using it over an extended period.

Steps to Manage Sublimation:

  • Keep Dry Ice in Large Pieces: Dry ice blocks or large chunks sublimate slower than smaller pieces like pellets or nuggets. Break off smaller pieces only when needed to preserve the rest.
  • Limit Exposure to Warm Air: Every time you open the cooler or storage container, you expose the dry ice to warm air, speeding up sublimation. Open the container as infrequently as possible.
  • Pre-chill Items: If you’re using dry ice to cool or freeze something, it’s helpful to pre-chill the items or containers first. Dry ice will last longer if it doesn’t have to immediately lower the temperature of warm objects.

Pro Tip:

Purchase the right amount of dry ice for your needs. If you need it to last for days, buy it in bulk and store it properly. For short-term use, calculate how much you’ll need based on the rate of sublimation.

4. Disposing of Dry Ice Safely

Because dry ice turns into gas, it doesn’t leave behind any liquid waste, but improper disposal can be dangerous. Never throw dry ice into a garbage bin or flush it down the sink.

Safe Disposal Methods:

  • Let It Sublimate in a Well-Ventilated Area: The safest way to dispose of dry ice is to let it fully sublimate in a well-ventilated space where the carbon dioxide gas can disperse safely.
  • Do Not Dispose of Dry Ice in Confined Spaces: Never put leftover dry ice in a closed space such as a trash can, freezer, or any airtight container, as the gas buildup could cause damage or pose a safety risk.
  • Keep Away from Drains or Plumbing: Introducing dry ice into plumbing can cause pipes to freeze or crack. Always let dry ice sublimate in an open, safe area.

Pro Tip:

Place leftover dry ice on a non-flammable surface in a wide, open area to allow it to naturally sublimate over time.

5. Additional Uses of Sub Zero Dry Ice

While Sub Zero Dry Ice is commonly used for cooling, shipping, and refrigeration, it has other valuable uses.

Special Uses Include:

  • Dry Ice Blasting: Dry ice can be used to clean industrial equipment without abrasive chemicals or water.
  • Fog Effects: When combined with water, dry ice produces thick fog, making it popular in theaters or events.
  • Pest Control: In some cases, dry ice is used to suffocate insects or rodents in burrows by displacing oxygen with carbon dioxide.


Caring for Sub Zero Dry Ice properly is crucial for both safety and efficiency. By following proper storage guidelines, handling it with care, and managing its sublimation rate, you can make the most of your dry ice investment. Always remember to prioritize safety and ensure the dry ice is used and disposed of in well-ventilated areas. Whether you’re using it for cooling, shipping, or industrial purposes, these best practices will help you get the most out of your Sub Zero Dry Ice.